I-54 Kids is the Children's ministry of Christian Worship Center in Alexandria, La. This exciting ministry is for kids ages 5 to 12 years old (PreK-6th Grade), that teaches them the Word of God in an exciting, kid-friendly environment. The heart of this ministry is teaching children to know, understand, and put into practice God's Word and to be lead by the Spirit of God to fulfill the call of God on their lives. Led by Children's Pastor's Adam & Tiffany Wright, and supported by a number of children's teachers and workers, we make sure children are taught of the Lord and have great peace as stated in Isaiah 54:13.
Pastors Adam and Tiffany Wright, both graduates of Victory Life Bible Training Center and teachers at Bridge University Bible school, have been working in Children's Ministry for over 30 years. They started serving in children's ministry as teenagers and began preaching and teaching as young adults. Adam has led children's outreaches in the community and in Latin America seeing thousands born again and filled with the Holy Spirit speaking in other tongues. Tiffany, who also has a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology, has led and directed children's praise and worship and taught choir and dance classes for weekly services, special events, and outreaches. Together Pastors Adam and Tiffany write and publish the curriculum used in I-54 Kids called Compass Kids Curriculum.
The I-54 Kids Ministry Staff is comprised of over 30 weekly and monthly volunteers who've committed to serve this young generation to the will of God. Whether by teaching, monitoring, high five-ing, or by playing games with them, our volunteers are full of love and dedication to the kids, this ministry and to serving the Lord!